Toronto, Ontario

Inaugural Bugs Minigame Thursday

Social Event

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Hosted by: Larry Dong

Time: Thursday, 8pm-10pm (EDT)

Zoom link:

Dear biostat friends,

The Biostatistics Union of Graduate Students (BUGS) would like to invite you to BUGS Minigame Thursday! This weekly online meet-up would serve as an opportunity to get together and play a few games (e.g. Among Us, Overcooked, Skribbl, Setwithfriends, etc.). We understand that remote learning can be challenging as winter is approaching, so why not follow each other in colourful spacesuits and accuse each other of being suspicious?

BUGS Minigame Thursdays are scheduled every Thursdays from 8pm to 10pm EST as of next Thursday, October 15, until the end of the semester. For those who are interested, we can do a quick poll what games a day or two ahead of time to see you would like to play and have breakout rooms accordingly. If many enjoy this event, we can schedule other get togethers at other times to accommodate people who are in different time zones.

Looking forward to seeing you on Thursdays!! 🙂

For real pls come