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2023 Joint Statistical Meetings, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 2023

Xinyang (Sean) Feng received the ASA Lifetime Data Science Section Student Paper Competition Award at the 2023 Joint Statistical Meetings.

Canadian Statistics Student Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, May 27, 2023

Jasper Zhang (left) received the First Prize Virtual Poster Presentation Award, Luis Ledesma (right) received the First Prize Poster Presentation - Master's Award from the 2023 SSC Student Conference.

Paul Corey Award Winners, DLSPH Biostatistics Research Day, June 17-18, 2020

1st Place: Yuan (Kris) Bian (MSc, Thesis-Track) 2nd Place: Pai-Shan (Jason) Cheng (PhD, Year 2) 3rd Place: Boxi Lin (PhD, Year 1) Honourable Mentions: Madeline Ward (UofGuelph), Linda Luu (MSc, Year 1)

Recent Student Award Winners, June 6, 2020

Kuan Liu (PhD, Year 5) is the recipient of this year’s Beverly Antle Trainee Award, which recognizes “excellence in research and knowledge translation for first-authored research conducted by trainees,” provided by the CHES Education Committee at The Hospital for Sick Children. Thai-Son Tang (PhD, Year 2) is the recipient of the 2020-2021 Queen Elizabeth II/Sanofi/John G FitzGerald Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology. This year, four teams from the Biostatistics Division have received the $3000 University of Toronto COVID-19 Student Engagement Award to fund their COVID-19 research projects: - Kuan and Thai-Son, along with Rose Garrett (PhD, Year 2) and Alexandra Bushby (PhD, Year 1), will be “Using Data Visualization and Crowdsourcing Survey to study COVID-19 Testing Capacity, Protocol, and Barriers in Canada.” - Jerry Lin (PhD, Year 3) and Boxi Lin (PhD, Year 1) will be conducting research on “What Causes Elevated Risk in COVID-19? Discover Exposure & Genetic Factors at Play.” - Jerry, Thai-Son, Kaviul Khan (PhD, Year 3), and Michael Moon (MSc Grad, Stats PhD, Year 2) will be “Assessing the global effect of public health interventions on COVID-19 pandemic growth and unemployment.” - Jianhui Gao (MSc, Year 1) is involved with 3 other students in “Quantifying effects of community-based public health measures in controlling COVID-19 epidemics: a comparative modeling study in China, Iceland, Italy, and Canada.” Congratulations to our amazing students!

SSC 2020 Case Study Competition, June 1, 2020

Shuting Lou (MSc Biostatistics), Michael Prashad (MSc Biostatistics), Ashley Mao (MSc Biostatistics), and Amin Kharaghani (MSc Biostatistics), advised by Dr. Wendy Lou, received honourable mentions for the Best Student Case Study Poster award at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada on June 1, 2020 for their poster titled, “From time series models to neural networks: predicting energy usage in Ontario.” Congratulations everyone!

2019 Biostatistics Bootcamp

2019 Biostatistics Bootcamp, Health Sciences Building, Toronto, September 7-8, 2019. Thank you to all the incoming MSc/PhD students who attended the bootcamp, as well as faculty and volunteers who took time out of their weekend to make this 2-day workshop possible!

2019 SORA/TABA Annual Workshop & DLSPH Biostatistics Research Day

Jack Lawman Building, Toronto, Ontario, May 3, 2019.

Statistical Society of Canada Awards Ceremony Case Study Competition, Montréal, Québec, June 5, 2018

Jimmy Hu (2nd on the left) and Jerry Lin (3rd on the left) receiving awards from the SSC President Dr. Hugh Chipman and the SSC Case Study Committee Chair Dr. Lisa Lix. Yue Wang (MSc Biostatistics), Jerry Lin (PhD Biostatistics), Jimmy Hu (PhD Biostatistics), Sumeet Kalia (PhD Biostatistics), Jiayue Huang (MSc Biostatistics), and Christopher Meaney (PhD Biostatistics) received honourable mentions and the second prize of the Best Student Case Study Poster award at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada on June 5, 2018, for the case study topic, “What predicts the popularity of TED Talks?”

Statistical Society of Canada Awards Ceremony Best Student Presentation, Montréal, Québec, June 5, 2018

Mohsen Soltanifar (3rd on the left) receiving the award from the SSC President Dr. Hugh Chipman and the SSC Student Awards Committee Chair Dr. François Bellavance. Mohsen Soltanifar, a PhD candidate from the DLSPH Biostatistics division under supervision of Dr. Michael Escobar (DLSPH) and joint work with Dr.Annie Dupuis (SickKids) and Dr. Russell Schachar (SickKids), has been awarded the Best Oral General Statistics Poster Presentation at 2018 Statistical Society of Canada (SSC 2018) Annual Meeting in Montreal, Québec, for his poster presentation on “A Bayesian Mixture Modelling of Stop Signal Reaction Times (SSRT) Distributions.”

Statistical Society of Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 12, 2017

FLTR: Mitchell Sutton, Myrtha Reyna, and Ruixue Dai with their award-winning poster. Mitchell Sutton (MSc Biostatistics), Myrtha Reyna (MSc Biostatistics), Ruixue Dai (MSc Biostatistics), Shubham Sharma (MSc Biostatistics), Yeva Sahakyan (MSc Biostatistics), and Xin Zheng (MSc Biostatistics) received the Best Student Poster award at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada on June 12, 2017, for the case study topic, “What is the Impact of Natural Disasters in Canada?”

Statistical Society of Canada, St. Catharine’s, Ontario, May 31, 2016

FLTR: Dr. Wendy Lou, Sangook Kim, Michael Moon, Dr. Olli Saarela, Kuan Liu, Mohammad Kaviul Anam Khan. Michael Moon (MSc Biostatistics), Mohammad Kaviul Anam Khan (MSc Biostatistics), Kuan Liu (PhD Biostatistics), and Sangook Kim (PhD Biostatistics) received the Best Student Poster award at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada on May 31, 2016 for the case study topic, “Can Google Flu Trends Predict the Frequency and Results of Tests for Influenza and Other Respiratory Illnesses?”

Statistical Society of Canada Awards Ceremony - Best Oral Research Presentation Award, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 16, 2015

Junior Chang (4th from right) receiving the award from the SSC President Dr. John Petkau (1st from left) and the SSC Student Awards Committee Chair Dr. Kevin Keen (1st from right). Junior Chang (MSc. Biostatistics), under the supervision of Dr. Wendy Lou (DLSPH), received the Best Oral Research Presentation Award at the 4th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada on May 31, 2016. His talk, presented under the “Biostatistics in Action 1” category, was based on his practicum work titled, “Impact of Ultra-Fine Particles on Childhood Development of Lung Functions, Results from Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study” at SickKids Hospital.

Statistical Society of Canada Awards Ceremony - Case Study Competition, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 16, 2015

FLTR: Dr. John Petkau (SSC President), Bowen Gao, Chendi Liao, Gengming He and Wenqi Fan, Dr. Georges Monette (SSC Case Study Committee Chair) Bowen Gao (MSc Biostatistics), Chendi Liao (MSc Biostatistics), Gengming He (MSc Biostatistics), and Wenqi Fan (MSc Biostatistics) received the Best Student Case Study Poster award at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada on June 16, 2015 for the case study topic, “Baseball Strategies.”

Canadian Statistics Student Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 13, 2015

Shariar Shams (2nd from the right) receiving the Best Graduate Student Paper award from the SSC Student Conference co-presidents Nathalie Moon (first from left) and Caitlin Dals (first from right). Shahriar Shams (PhD Biostatistics) was awarded the Best Graduate Student Paper at the 4th Statistical Society of Canada’s Student Conference for his presentation on “Comparing progression-free survival of kidney cancer patients after laparoscopic versus open surgery using different propensity score methods.”

Canadian Statistics Student Conference, Toronto, Ontario, May 26, 2014

FLTR: Dr. Georges Monette (SSC Case Study Committee Chair), Osvaldo Espin-Garcia, Sephr Jafarpour, Kate Tsiplova, Simon Greaves, Xinyu (Shary) Zhang, Yitian Tao, Coralie Wong, Dr. Mike Evans (SSC President) Osvaldo Espin-Garcia (PhD Biostatistics), Sephr Jafarpour (MSc Biostatistics), Kate Tsiplova (MSc Biostatistics), Simon Greaves (MSc Biostatistics), Xinyu Zhang (MSc Biostatistics), Yitian Tao (MSc Biostatistics), and Coralie Wong (MSc Biostatistics) received the Best Student Case Study Poster award at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada on May 26, 2014 for the case study topic, “The American Time Use Survey: How have economic and socio-demographic factors affected television viewing in the last decade?” Courtesy of Dr. Peter McDonald