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Summer 2021 Student Award

2021 SSC Award

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Congratulations to this year’s winners of the Paul Corey Award! Summer2021Awards

FLTR: (Top) Jessica Cichon, Lena Nguyen, Qiao Li (Bottom) Katrina Hueniken, Larry Dong

Larry Dong (PhD, Year 1) is a 2021 Google Summer of Code Research Intern, where he is working on developing a Dirichlet Process submodule. Thai-Son Tang (PhD, Year 3) is the recipient of the 2021 Paul Corey Award for Excellence in Biostatistics, and Rose Garrett (PhD, Year 3) is the recipient of the 2021 John Hsieh Award.


Congratulations to this year’s winners of the Paul Corey Award! Summer2021_2

FLTR: (Top) Jessica Cichon, Lena Nguyen, Qiao Li. (Bottom) Katrina Hueniken, Larry Dong

1st Place: Jessica Cichon (MSc)

2nd Place: Lena Nguyen (MSc)

3rd Place: Qiao Li (MSc)

Honourable Mentions: Katrina Hueniken (MSc), Larry Dong (PhD, Year 1)

This year’s Biostatistics Research Day features around 40 speed poster presentations over three 90-minute blocks.


May 18 (Tuesday)

12:00-1:30pm (EDT): Speed Poster Presentation I

2:00-3:30pm (EDT): Speed Poster Presentation II

May 19 (Wednesday)

12:30-2:00pm (EDT): : Speed Poster Presentation III

2:00-3:00pm (EDT): Informal Social/Networking

3:00-3:30pm (EDT): Paul Corey Awards announcements & Closing Remarks.

You are invited to attend the presentations whenever you are available. As in previous years, the best three posters will be awarded with cash prizes at the closing session. As a special note, we will present the first of the four new Paul Corey Awards that were established last fall (see here)

Prof. Paul Corey will be presenting the Paul Corey Poster Awards at 3pm on Wednesday. He and his family are also planning to join the Informal Social (2-3pm) prior to the award announcements.