Toronto, Ontario

Biostatistics Research Day 2020


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1st Place: Yuan (Kris) Bian (MSc, Thesis-Track)

2nd Place: Pai-Shan (Jason) Cheng (PhD, Year 2)

3rd Place: Boxi Lin (PhD, Year 1)

Honourable Mentions: Madeline Ward (UofGuelph), Linda Luu (MSc, Year 1)

Congratulations to this year’s winners of the Paul Corey Award! brd2020winners

FLTR: Yuan (Kris) Bian, Pai-Shan (Jason) Cheng, Boxi Lin

This year the Biostatistics Research Day poster presentations, which would ordinarily have taken place in-person at the 2020 SORA/TABA Annual Workshop & DLSPH Biostatistics Research Day on May 22nd, will be hosted online over three sessions during the week of June 15th.

The virtual poster presentation sessions will be held on:

  • Wednesday, June 17th: 10-11:30am

  • Thursday, June 18th: 10-11:30am

  • Thursday, June 18th: 3-4:30pm

Program Booklet

If you have any questions, please contact Ryan Rosner at

Recent Student Award Winners, June 6, 2020.


FLTR: (Top) Kuan Liu, Thai-Son Tang, Rose Garrett, Alex Bushby (Bottom) Jerry Lin, Kaviul Khan, Michael Moon, Boxi Lin

Kuan Liu (PhD, Year 5) is the recipient of this year’s Beverly Antle Trainee Award that recognizes “excellence in research and knowledge translation for first-authored research conducted by trainees”, provided by the CHES Education Committee at The Hospital for Sick Children. Thai-Son Tang (PhD, Year 2) is the recipient of the 2020-2021 Queen Elizabeth II/Sanofi/John G FitzGerald Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology.

This year, four teams from the Biostatistics Division have both received the $3000 University of Toronto COVID-19 Student Engagement Award to fund their COVID-19 research projects. Kuan and Thai-Son, along with Rose Garrett (PhD, Year 2) and Alexandra Bushby (PhD, Year 1) will be “Using Data Visualization and Crowdsourcing Survey to study COVID-19 Testing Capacity, Protocol, and Barriers in Canada.” Jerry Lin (PhD, Year 3) and Boxi Lin (PhD, Year 1) will be conducting research on “What Causes Elevated Risk in COVID-19? Discover Exposure & Genetic Factors at Play.” Jerry, Thai-Son, Kaviul Khan (PhD, Year 3), and Michael Moon (MSc Grad, Stats PhD, Year 2) will be “Assessing the global effect of public health interventions on COVID-19 pandemic growth and unemployment.” Jianhui Gao (MSc, Year 1) is also involved with 3 other students in “Quantifying effects of community based public health measures in controlling COVID-19 epidemics: a comparative modeling study in China, Iceland, Italy and Canada.” Congratulations to our amazing students!

See also: “15 DLSPH Student-​Led Projects Win U of T’s COVID-​19 Student Engagement Award” (DLSPH Article)

SSC 2020 Case Study Competition, June 1, 2020.


FLTR: Shuting Lou, Michael Prashad, Ashley Mao, Amin Kharaghani

Shuting Lou (MSc Biostatistics), Michael Prashad (MSc Biostatistics), Ashley Mao (MSc Biostatistics), and Amin Kharaghani (MSc Biostatistics), advised by Dr. Wendy Lou, received honourable mentions for the Best Student Case Study Poster award at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada on June 1, 2020 for their poster titled, “From time series models to neural networks: predicting energy usage in Ontario.” Congratulations everyone!